
"For the first time in my love life, I feel like I am really standing for myself. And this feels good. I feel my bravery is growing in tiny steps every day."

— Veronika


From unclear long-distance situation ship to common plans for the future in 3 months

“My relationship with my boyfriend improved. We are not yet married, but he is giving me much more attention now and got much gentler. He started talking about marriage and starting a family. And he invited me to live with him (it was a long-term distance relationship until now).

In addition, I am receiving a lot of attention from other men. They ask me out for a date, coffee, sports, and I see their desire to help and take care of me.“

“I made big shifts in such a short time!”

First, thank you for your kind and caring approach regarding my situation with Martin. Thanks to your excellent guidance, I achieved my goals and solve the problem I came to you with. You knew how to wrap your mind around my situation and uncertainties. Your emails and sessions were very illuminating. I got what I needed from my partner thanks to your coaching.

- Claude

  • "I am thrilled to have found you. I was struggling with emotional dependence on a man for two years. Thanks to you, I got over him in just a few weeks."

    — Oxana

  • "I am noticing a change in the way the men behave with me. And I am way more relaxed about a first coffee with a man. The last time the waitress brought the bill, he immediately grabbed the bill and said he would like to settle it. I couldn’t believe my eyes!"

    — Nevena

  • "Juliana is a naturally talented and skilled coach. She has a raw and powerful intuition which allows her to see right to the core of what’s happening. This, balanced with Juliana’s warmth and softness, gets amazing and long reaching results. I can’t recommend Juliana highly enough."

    — Michelle Manley

  • "Thorsten said to me yesterday: ”I have never been good in words. In my family, we never talked about feelings. With you now, I am comfortable sharing how I feel.“ I have never been with a man before who would share with me how he felt!!!"

    — Christine

  • "I wanted to break the cycle and get my ‘happy ever after`. Not that I was unhappy, I was pretty happy; I just wanted to feel happier. So we started a long and enlightening journey; I say ‘we’ because I have never felt alone in it, and it did not feel easy. It did not feel linear. It still feels ups and downs, but I no longer have those moments of deep despair I used to have, and I am not ‘leaving the field’!"

    – Julia (scroll down to read the full review)

  • "With Juliana, I can go to someone that is not there to give me a nod and say „yes“ to whatever I say, but somebody that gives me serious advice and helps me to break my patterns. I am getting support in working on myself to become better in feeling; being more a woman than a machine; having less stress on my performance with men, and having less judgement on myself. And, the support I get in-between sessions is massive."

    — Francesca

  • "I see a new layer of life opening up in front of me. I didn´t believe it was possible to communicate with men so effectively like this at all. And it works! My husband is responding to my needs now. He’s the one now suggesting we go shopping and he’s loving carrying the bags! "

    — Anastasya

  • „Juliana, you support me like no one else! “

    – Olesya

  • "I regained control over a thing that I never had control over, men and relationships! With these feminine tips that you gave me, I learned how to attract men."

    – Jessica

  • "I cannot believe what just happened! I talked to my husband about how you guided me, and he listened and is now fully supporting me! I feel so happy! Without working with you, I would still be doing the same things that don’t work! "

    — Elena

  • "I feel so encouraged and supported. The transformation for me is quite astonishing, timely and long overdue. I feel so grateful to have this opportunity to learn so much about myself."

    – Helen

  • "With my husband, things are going great now! Your tools have helped me to avoid arguments. And I receive a hug or a kiss every time I share what makes me feel good with him."

    — Renate

  • “I had issues moving forward with my partner regarding finances and how we would split costs when considering moving in together. It was very stressful, and I was afraid and anxious that it would cause arguments and potentially push my partner away. Juliana helped me see that there was a way to calm my anxiety and gave me super clear and warm scripts to communicate with my partner, and I could move forward with him with little anxiety or arguments.”


  • I have been seeing a guy for a few months but recently started to notice I had anxiety when I am not normally an anxious person. I was trying to learn more about why I was feeling the way I do and came across your courses and coaching service. I have found your information more insightful than anything else I have come across and I am really starting to understand why I am having the anxiety. - Kath


I no longer have those moments of deep despair I used to have, and I am not ‘leaving the field’!

“Juliana is fantastic, a strong and sweet, inspiring and supporting coach.
Life brought me to work with Juliana about a year ago; I had been single for so long... It was the beginning of the pandemic; I have had some terrible experience with men and finally concluded that I needed professional help.

Friends and family had been there all these years, I cried on their shoulders rivers of tears, and they supported me so much that me complaining about men had become a good habit: my experiences had turned into a very entertaining subject over drinks and dinners.
I realised I wanted to break that cycle and get my ‘happy ever after’. Not that I was unhappy, I was actually pretty happy; I just wanted to feel happier. So we started a long and enlightening journey; I say ‘we’ because I have never felt alone in it, and it did not feel easy, it did not feel linear, it feels still ups and downs, but I no longer have those moments of deep despair I used to have, and I am not ‘leaving the field’!

Juliana is a real coach, not a psychotherapist, a teacher or a magician; she is a real coach! Always there to support me in making progress, in being empowered to be the best version of me.

I feel my energy is shifted since last May. I stopped rowing. I am more feminine, less afraid. And I feel more conscious. I feel and surrender, progressing day by day on my path to my ‘happy ever after’!

There are good days and good dates, and there are bad ones, all coming at the right time for me to do the next step in this beautiful journey.
My sessions with Juliana are important to dive deeper into various topics, exploring feelings and options. They help me to feel supported and prepared.”


– Julia


What if you got same results or far better in your love life?

Schedule your free discovery session, and let us talk about your future.

Coaching is tandem work, so in our call, we will both feel how our energy flows.

We will analyse your situation and the obstacles you have on the path of love.

And, you will be able to decide if working with me is the right thing for you at the current stage you are in.